I have been ordered to do another blog post by Julia, so because I have learned to cave in to most demands given me by women, I am complying. It has been a busy month for us, well, me at least.
Let's first tell all about Rebecca's stuff. Her Garden is growing. She loves it. She tells me everyday how much she loves it. She loves it so much and tells me so much that I am starting to be jealous of it. She appreciates the cheering on you all are giving her. In all my travels so far this summer, she has been home alone a lot with the kids. At least I think she is alone, if any of you notice a strange truck in the driveway, let me know okay? We are looking forward to getting away and going camping in two weeks. Rebecca is dying to go fishing. She is on a quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks, have I mentioned that before? Anyway, I think she is already on book number 51 because she reads so stinking much. She just told me the number is really 27. And we are not talking short books here, and not books with only pictures either. The above picture is Rebecca and two of my three sister-in-laws. I am sure they are solving life's problems, or maybe just the problems of my brother's and I.
Eli seems to be growing up so fast. He is a pretty well mannered and behaved little boy...in public. At home he has developed quite the habit of talking back and being a snot. He had a blast on the 4th of July at the parades and barbecues. He liked the fireworks at Taylorsville Dayzz. At the family barbecue he got to drive around in a motorized truck and then got to drive Grandpa's riding lawn mower- my grandpa's that is, my dad would never do the riding lawn mower thing because he likes the precision of the push mower. Dad's picky about his lawn and gardens you know. Eli also liked hanging on to the truck when Tierra and cousins were driving. Tierra and Eli have so much fun with their cousins. They also had a blast at a barbecue they came with me to. Rebecca stayed home to host the book club meeting for the neighborhood, the rest of us went to a barbecue at a friend of mine's (from the fire department). Eli took about 5 seconds to find the water. The funny thing is that he snuck over to the pool, without a swimsuit, and jumped in. Tierra did the same. Check these ones out:
Tierra just finished level 1 swimming lessons and is in the middle of level 2. She too had a blast on the fourth. In fact she just saw a couple of the pictures and told me the barbecue was "so cool." She monopolized the truck in the above picture. She loved the control and power. Scares me for the day she gets her drivers license. She loves her swimming lessons, and loves being in the water.
Now me. I have been to Emmitsburg, Maryland twice in the past month for classes. I just got back last night. The classes were for work at the National Fire Acadamy. The classes were okay, the more enjoyable stuff was seeing all the other things in the area. We went to Gettysburg, went to a couple of Nationals baseball games, and just toured the area. The picture at the game is me and my friend Shirl White. Shirl went back to the class with me as well, he works at UFA as a fire inspector and fills time on the PIO duty roster. One Night, we found a sweet restaurant that had all you can eat fresh crab. It was so good. I had a blast. The monuments and history in the DC area are so amazing to see. The Civil War stuff in Gettysburg is so hard to explain, but so awesome to be around. If ever in the area, it is definately a must see. The picture is a monument tribute to General Lee and the militias of Virginia.
While driving around some back roads we came across a tunnel that reminded me of the tunnel in Sleepy Hollow and I could just feel the headless horseman lurking in the bushes nearby.
So that's what's going on in our lives. Tell us about yours. It has been nice to hear from old friends. It is interesting how many people have blogs. I have been able to recontact so many people through these and I love it. I am glad everyone is doing so well and having fun in their sphere's of the world.
Ragged Ann
2 days ago
What! I am the first to comment on the goings on pod the most ppilar family on the Internet? I enjoy reading about hi well you guys are doing. We could certainly use some gardening lessons from ya'll. I want to follow your example, but I am paranoid of net stalking, so I will continue to remain your out-of-touch, crazy light man roommate. Paul
Good boy, Chad. I feel so powerful. I not only get to boss Matt around, but his friends too? Yeah for me.
Loved the update.
Rebecca, I, too, am jealous of your garden. This is the first year we haven't done one in a while because Matt has too many projects going on in the back yard right now. Think of me when you bite into a juicy, sun ripened tomato, okay?
Chad, how many states do you have left before you've been to the whole country? And what do we have to do to get you out here? Burn half of California? Done. C'mon out.
Hi Chad,
Guess what? I know what Rebecca is telling your sister-in-laws, but I will never tell!!!
I love the pictures of your kids, they are dang cute.
Tell Becca good job on her garden...it looks amazing already!! Hope you had fun in DC...it is one of the most amazing places---I love it!!
Is that my brother Paul up there? Funny. You should be jealous of the garden, it is awesome. Have you heard of "square foot gardening"? I want to start one of them. Someday. I like the tracker rides the kids are getting! Our kids look about the same ages. Cool puctures from your trip!
Fun family happenings. Congrats to Rebecca on the garden, and good job on your world travels. Your kids are darling. No, I'm not sending you cookies. And, my parents said they see you on the news in Utah and it's fun. I asked, of course, if you do a good job and it and they said...... :)
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