22 January 2010

Drudging Through January

January seems to be lingering this year. I honestly was in a semi state of shell shock when Christmas, New Years, and January 10th flew by. (There is not a single significance to January 10th for me, I just pulled it out of the air.) But now it seems like the last half of January is taking 30 extra days to get out of here. C'mon.

Why is it that nothing goes on during this month? Sure they threw a quasi-holiday into this month, but I think even the banks stay open that day, adding to the drudgery of January.

So needless to say, we have not been up to much. A lot of my off days are spent at home, doing absolutely nothing. The kids spend time wearing out the toys they got for Christmas and Rebecca and I laze around. Sure, Rebecca runs the kids to school and back, does the grocery shopping, keeps the house clean, as if it were any other month, but its still just January. February is so much better than January. It is like the gateway to spring. Plus, it kicks off with one of my favorite holidays... Groundhogs Day.

The kids are not caught up in the January gloom. Haylee has been growing up so fast. I can't grasp that she will be a year old just one month and two days after Groundhogs day. She seems a little older to me for some reason, perhaps it is because she was practicing Beethoven's 2nd in D Major the other day on the piano?

Eli has been amazing me the most lately. I have always worried about his mental ability since he broke his skull at 2 months old, but now I am wondering if that helped him. His latest tasks have been to learn songs. He listens to a song and decides whether or not he likes it. If he likes it, he starts it over and starts to learn it. He can sing along to several songs that I play on the IPOD regularly. He hears and understands the word to fast paced punk songs that even I do not get all the time. He also loves this little toy guitar thing he got for Christmas. He is learning moves to make the ladies scream later in life. Another "one-up" he will have on me.
Tierra is getting too old to quick. At least she is acting way to grown up for a 6 year old. Except for her crying games. She cries a lot when she doesn't get her way. We give her a hard time telling her she cries more than Haylee, which is true because Haylee just doesn't cry much at all. Tierra continues to be a night owl, a trait definitely acquired from me. This stems from the days in Junior High staying up to watch Night Court after the evening news. After we send her to bed, she just sits up in her bed flipping through magazines or reading books. She is getting quite good at reading. Which starts me on a small tangent about Kindergarten....nevermind. Suffice it to say the books the teacher sends home are well below the level Tierra has attained in reading. She loves playing in the snow too. The other night she wanted to watch 24. We have not let her watch this show yet, it seems a little too PG-8 or 9 to us. She gets a little scared of certain things in movies. She reminds me of me a little bit. I remember when I was about her age watching Superman at Randy Monsen's house. I was so terrified of earthquakes that I went around telling everyone that they were not true. It was just something in movies. It worked for a little while. Tierra was persistent though and while Rebecca was talking on the phone Tierra wrote a note and did this with it:

Overall, we are all doing well. I love my new station and get along great with the crew. It is a busy station and I have had some "good" calls lately. Good is relative here... good for me means bad for another. So when I say good, I mean there have been calls where my emergency medicine skills were required. We did miss out on a house fire the other day while we responded to someone who thought they had the flu though.

Rebecca is counting down the minutes until Lost starts again. I just bought her an Iphone. She loves it. She has an application that tells her when to get off her butt and make dinner, so thats good. If only she had an app to get rid of this smog and make it snow more!


Julia said...

Haylee looks like a good mix of everyone in your family. I can't believe she's almost 1 either. Seems like just a month ago that you guys announced her birth on the blog. Glad to hear you guys are doing well.

Anonymous said...

I wish my posts could be long like yours. Jolene hasn't said anything about what the baby is. My mom said it's a girl. I don't really care, just as long as it's healthy. I got some of that medicine you told me to get and it works a little bit. I heard that once you already are sick it doesn't help much. IDK Anywho I'm excited to go to Disneyland this year with a little one :) I told Tyler before he left on his mission that we would have a kid before he came home. Good thing it worked. We need to get together soon. We move into our house next month so I'll make some yummy dinner and we'll have you guys over. :)

Hendricksonblog said...

That little baby of yours is pretty cute. I think tierra and eli are starting to look a bit alike and I never thought i would see that. I love the notes to moms while they are on the phone, I used to do that.

Aimee said...

My latest note from Emma said "sorry I don't help much with cleaning but, cleaning's just not my thing." That's one I will save forever because it sums up who she is all in one sentence.

Hopefully when Eli is wooing the chicks later in life, he will be able to fit in those sexy jammies still. Love 'em.

Your babe is too perfect. I always say it's time to stop when you get the perfect child - don't mess with perfection.

The Sumsions said...

Oh, I'm afraid I'm a mean mom. I don't even let my 11 year olds watch 24. I really am mean - but they like Food Network and all the drama on that ER traumas on TLC and Biggest Loser. I'll let them stick with that. I think it's because I hate violence, but don't get me wrong cuz I LOVE that show.

I too think that your Eli is going to be some chick magnet, and I love footed jammies! Those are some good looking kids!

And January does suck - nothing good in January.

Candace said...

I totally agree with January dragging...thank goodness February is here! Who's favorite holiday is Groundhogs Day??? Your such a weirdo! ;) Your kids are adorable and Matt (oh I mean Eli) is going to for sure get the ladies in a few years! The note on Rebecca's head is priceless...I wish my kids were kind enough to write me notes and stick to my head when I am on the phone instead of screaming and bawling at my feet so I can't hear anything. And btw I love the motto "a day old donut is better than no donut at all!" That cracked me up! :)

Stephanie said...

I'm with you on January. I don't like it.

Eli's jammies are awesome. The girls are beautiful. I love Tierra's note. My kids just scream and me and hit my leg when I'm not the phone while I furiously shake my finger at them. I'd like Tierra to teach my girls the more polite approach to Moms on the phone. I love how Rebecca seems so unaffected by the note on her forehead.

Happy February.