18 April 2010

Writers Block Defeated? You Tell Us.

Yeah, it's been a while. I can't predate any entries, so until Dr Emmet Brown shows up at my door with the flux capacitor, you have to deal with the fact that some time has gone by. I feel like I have had writers block coupled with the fact that the stuff we have been doing has not been blogworthy. With Spring (or Winter's sequel) in full gear, I have a feeling things will start cruising along and the blog will come alive again. I still try to get Rebecca to write as well.

April Fool's day... what a great idea for a holiday. I think I need to research the history of that one. Rebecca loved this years tom foolery. She made fun cupcakes. They are suppose to look like pees and carrots, spaghetti and meatballs, and mashed potatoes with butter. She took them to a mormon vampire movie night and it was a huge hit.

We went to Fat Cats a few weeks back, when it was still dreary and dark all the time. Eli loved the motorcycle race game.
It is proof of genetics in action. 17 years ago in Toronto, I spent many quarters on a similar game on p-days.
4 clean cut guys in suits and ties yelling competitively at each other makes for quite a site in a main downtown arcade. (I am the farthest one away in the picture, barely visible with 1995 photo technology.)

Tierra loved the game too, but her favorite is air hockey. She got angry at us a few weeks ago and stormed off to our bedroom and made a fort with our bedding. She fell asleep in her anger and slept for 3 hours. (She is behind the green "wall" of her fort in this picture, snoring away.

Haylee likes wearing my ball caps and eating noodles right from the pan.

I just took an overnight trip to Seattle for a ball game. I went with my Brother Danny and friend Jason.
As Danny pointed out, we are not holding hands. Hopefully I write that at least 4 more times this baseball season-the part about getting back from a ball game, not holding hands.


Natalie said...

Does that missionary have a goatie?? Those missionaries back in 1995. . .

And yes, I thought you were holding hands too. I'm so glad it's a trick of the camera.

Chad said...

That's funny. Poor Elder Sessions, I think he was related to Cain/bigfoot. He had to shave 4 times a day.

Hendricksonblog said...

Dave would say "we couldnt miss your huge head even with old school film" Dave would say that not me, im just pretending he reads blogs. Maybe Danny was thinking you were "his friend" too. You might make a cute couple if you weren't related. I'm a lover of all people. Those cupcakes are awesome because they made me feel like puking. I could not eat that. I cannot eat stuff that looks like other stuff. Mormon vampire movie night? Really whats the point in that?
Still like that baby even if she dares put on stinky man hats.

Aimee said...

I would eat the cupcakes. Probably all of them. Sad.

Stephanie said...

I thing it's sweet that you hold hands with your friend. The cupcakes are incredible. She must have spent all day (and then some) on those. That's awesome.

Yes, I remember camping, and my efforts to make responsible citizens out of you guys. My Mom always said, "Leave a place better than you found it." :)

Julia said...

You need to find a blog widget so you can mark all the stadiums you have visited.

Rebecca is a genius. If I would have attempted those cupcakes, they would not have resembled hers at all.

Danielle said...

i'm one of those people that is annoyed by the extra spacing in your post. sorry...

your haylee is freaking adorable!!! wow.

danny looks so old. another wow.

3 "Pease" in a pod said...

Rebecca's cupcakes were awesome and we were all in awe of them when she brought them. Chad, you were just jealous that you were not invited to our vampire movie night. Get over it already! :)