29 May 2010

Just an Update

There is nothing entertaining, creative, or out of the ordinary in this post.

That said, I hope to impart some wisdom.

Recently, my curious children were asking about the gauges on the dashboard of our vehicles. I explained in very basic terms what each of them meant. The fuel gauge, the oil pressure gauge, the temperature gauge, and the speedometer. They also learned where to find the speed limit signs while we drive. Now I have a Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder and two additional "consciouses" in the back seat. Every time I get even 1 mph over the last speed limit sign they remember, they let me know that the cops are gonna get me. I should have made something else up, like it meant they had to be quiet for that many minutes. If you have not yet told your kids about the speedometer, and they are not nearing 16, make something up. Trust me on this one.

Rebecca is in full fledge training mode for her half marathon this fall. She has some regimen all worked out and has done her best to make it work around my revolving schedule. She is excited and anxious, and the rest of the family is behind her one-hundred percent. It has nothing to do with the fact that we get a Disneyland trip out of the whole thing, I promise. She also has created a garden again this year. I like having our own garden, but each year I give more and more lawn space to have one.

The kids are nearly done with their respective school years. Both Tierra and Eli love school. I like that they go to school, but could do without the 1000 things the teachers send home and tell them to hang on the fridge. Scribbles/art work; notes; good behavior coupons; homework, etc. I think I am going to start pinning it to the wall in the toy room and when it fills up the kids can choose which "old" one to throw out in order to hang up the next. Eli had his preschool graduation the other night and hammed it up as he should.

All of us are looking forward to the summer, with one caveat: It needs to warm up. I really truly hope that in three weeks you read a post from me that complains of it being to hot and wishing for winter. We are also the new proud owners of chickens. I have wanted chickens for years. My dad has raised chickens for quite a while. We finally got some of our own. West Jordan charges 50 bucks for a "chicken permit." To me, that is just one more way for "big brother" to take money from us. The kids love the chickens. Tierra came up with the idea that we should each name one (excluding Haylee of course). I wanted to name one of them "Future Dinner," but was vetoed and they named it Junior. So we have Marshmellow, Black Feather, Layer, and Junior. I look forward to the fresh eggs that will be coming later this summer.

What can be said about Haylee? She refuses to walk. We help her a little and she does fine, but when we let go for her to do it on her own, she goes right to turbo crawl mode to get from A to B. She is having trouble speaking in complete sentences as well. She does belt out Beethoven's Fifth from time to time. Other than that, she is growing and starting the terrible twos a little early. She is still a very good baby, and the easiest of the three, but some terribleness has sneaked in.

That said, we are happy, healthy, and still anxious for summer!


Stephanie said...

Wow! You've got your own farm?!... a garden and chickens! That's so great. My poor kids have a mean Mom who draws the line at betta fish. :) Does the baby always play the piano naked? I think it's a great idea, I'm sure it helps to be unconstrained in her musical expression. I'm glad to hear the Simons update... all the best to Rebecca in her run!

Hendricksonblog said...

My great baby had some terribleness sneak in too. Its mostly bossy. Looks like fun minus the running 14 miles, taking care of a garden, and raising chickens. Do you play ticket to ride Europe edition? or is that the one on the piano? I like that game a lot.
One more of my vomity issues besides the mayo is seeing chicken poop on the eggs, I cannot eat them after that without major gag-athon.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the heads-up about the speedometer! I'll have to start thinking of something clever now to be prepared.

Anonymous said...

Layer could be a future chicken cordon blue!

I have seen that same expression on Matt's face, must be genetic.

Again, had no idea you liked Disneyland.

Rob and Meish said...

Nice to see you guys are now urban chicken farmers too! $50 bucks for a chicken permit? Seriously?

Kristi Kroeger said...

we collect the kids art work in a pile for the week and then tell them they can pick one proud paper to hang on the fridge and the rest goes in the trash! And you are crazy from having chickens! Although Nathan had them growing up and every srping they would slaughter them for the meat. Yuck!

Candace said...

I was so HAPPY to see your dream of being a chicken farmer has come true! :) We also had a few chickens named Layer. $50 is a small price to pay for the fresh eggs you will be enjoying shortly. I still can't get over how much Eli looks like Matt. Ditto on the speedometer comment. My kids drive me insane telling me I am speeding. Luckily my brother in law is a police officer and it pays big to see the name Bradley on my license. He has saved me from a lot of speeding tickets! :) When the next Disneyland trip??

3 "Pease" in a pod said...

I'm glad you finally gave us an update! Your posts always make me laugh!

joven said...
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