08 July 2010

Independence Day, Simons Family Style.

My 11 thoughts written about my memories from the 4th of July, in no particular order, except the first one will always be first.

#1- Fireworks. I love things that are loud, colorful and explosive. All three adjectives must be included. For example, you can’t just show me loud and colorful, that is simply Richard Simmons. Explosive and loud all by itself could merely amount to a fat man with gas. (yes, he has to be fat.) Loud, colorful and explosive point almost exclusively to fireworks. Prove me wrong. This picture is from the last Disney excursion.

#2- Family time. This was a a unique year for the fourth, almost a three day celebration. This provided opportunity for us to get together with pretty much every extended family member over the course of the weekend. We love spending time with our extended families. Especially when loud, colorful, and explosive things are included. This year even included impromptu races on the kids toys. Rebecca’s brother Brett and his Fiance, Karlie (I hope its not Karlie with a ‘C’), started the games off with a little challenge of “who can ride the little toys fastest across the patio?” These are the only pictures of the ordeal. As far as you know.

#3-Parades. Not just any parade, The Magna Parade. 100 years strong it is. (Thanks Yoda). Nostalgia perhaps influences my love for this parade, but so be it. I also love the parades in Disneyland. Something about a well done parade just defines America. I love seeing well cared for old hot rods in parades too. This one is my dream car.

#4- Baseball. Sadly my weekend did not have live, in-person baseball, but there were some great MLB games on TV this weekend. Baseball has always been America’s sport, no matter what the ‘advanced kickball’ fans say. Magna park use to always include a baseball game with its 4th celebration. What happened to that?

#5- Homemade Ice Cream. Just like Grandpa used to make, except this year Rebecca’s mom made it at our house using the ice cream maker we were given as a wedding present. This is the first time we have used it. If you are reading this, and gave us the ice cream maker, we really do like it and have no excuses for waiting so long to get it out of the box.

#6- Barbecuing. Everything tastes much better coming off the barbecue. Everything. We had a couple barbecues over the three days. I wonder if Captain Crunch would taste good if I barbecued it, then put it in a bowl of milk?

#7- Patriotism. Everyone is at their highest level of patriotic attitude that its contagious and intoxicating. If we could harness this patriotic energy and keep it going throughout the year I believe our Country would be a much better place. Since it is already good, then it would be that much better. Even Jane Fonda would be proud to call it home.

#8- Independence Day, the movie. I forgot to watch it this year, but its usually a must watch. Just like Groundhog Day is a must watch in February (as a minimum), It’s a Wonderful Life at Christmas time, The Ten Commandments at Easter, Field of Dreams sometime during the baseball season, The Three Amigos on May 5th, and Aqua Marine bi-monthly.

#9- Friends. It seems like the 4th of July is always the time you bump into someone you have not seen for a while. I enjoy that. I also enjoy spending some of the time with current friends. We hung out with friends that we do things with quite often, and played Ticket to Ride. I am happy to report that after 2 years of playing this and other games, I finally won! What? You don’t believe me? Well! That's why I had a picture taken (ps-I was the green trains):

#10- Snapper Popper thingys. I know I already covered the fireworks, but the little white poppers are a category of their own. Again, nostalgia prevails in this regard. They bring back so many memories of trying to hit the motorcycle cops just right as to leave a little black mark on their perfectly polished motorcycle. I felt so hypocritical telling my kids that they could only throw them on the road or else I would take them away. See what growing up and getting responsibility does to you? Hypocritical it makes you says I (and Yoda again.) It was such a good day when I learned that you didn’t even have to throw them hard and they would still pop. As reliable as Rice Krispies.

#11- Demolition Derby. Again, not something we did this year, but the 4th of July and Demolition Derby’s are forever etched in my mind as companions. Just like chocolate and peanut butter, rootbeer and ice cream, Bert and Ernie, Disney and land, beaches and flip flops, and Simon and Garfunkel.

So that’s my list. I hope you all had a great 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th of July like we did.


3 "Pease" in a pod said...

I love your "Disney and land" and I'm sure Ryan will appreciate your references to Yoda. :) We had fun with you guys!

Hendricksonblog said...

I think i gave you the ice cream maker. At least I hope I did. I love them but only use mine once a year. It looks like you had some adult on adult fun too and you posted photos....even though you asked me not to..
Entertaining post as usual.
I love all those things you love....except maybe the baseball.....sorry

Natalie said...

I was so proud of my girls this year - they popped the pop-its in their teeth, just like their mama used to! No wussing out for them!

My dream-car also. One of my 7 or 8, that is.

Candace said...

Every year we talk about going back out to the good ol' Magna parade but I always end up on a mountain with the in-laws! :) I wish my husband would grow up and be hypocritical...he is the one telling my kids to throw a pop it at people's butt (perfect strangers) to see if they will explode. Now there is something big and loud, but not colorful...I guess your right I can't think of anything else that has all 3. Your hilarious and I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Did you see Jabba the Hut? I felt bad for that guy and what a weird campaign?

Fireworks are the best. We should do them every weekend.

That game looked so long and boring, but I bet Jared would love it.

Andrea said...

So glad you FINALLY won. Maybe now you'll be more willing to play (on 2nd thought, probably not):)

Amy said...

That's a great list. I love the fourth of July weekend! The one and only Demo Derby I ever saw was up at Utah State. It was amazing.

We're living in Pullman, WA (home to WSU). My husband is working "across the border" @ the University of Idaho. Small towns, both of them.