01 August 2010

A Great, Big Post of Randoms

So I usually try to make my post themed, and have it all fit together. For the last few weeks though, so many small things have occurred that I want to get them all down. This blog is as much for our entertainment and memory augmentation as it is yours. So if you are okay going from perpetual lilly pad to lilly pad, read on. If you need more organized, collected writings in your life then stop right here.


Lately, Tierra has been obsessed with the fact that everything is made in China. She searches all items she can turn upside down to find out just where it was made, hoping to find someplace outside of China. A few weeks back she was so excited to have finally found a new one. She came running to me to ask what the new place was. She hands me the toy, and eagerly awaits my translation, " What does it say dad? What does it say!?" I, of course, do nothing to add to the suspense. Finally I read it out-loud, "Made in Hong Kong." Tierra is so excited for a few seconds before asking me where Hong Kong is. As I hold back the laugh, I frankly say, "Hong Kong is in China." Her face of bewilderment/anger/understanding was awesome. Like the kid who opens up a christmas present and gets clothes. Not the gift they wanted, but still happy its christmas and there are still a few presents with their name on them under the tree.


Our kids are still under the wonderful impression that as parents, we know everything. This has worked to such a wonderful advantage for many years now. It is because of this that I declare war on the unknown neighborhood kid that dared tell our kids about Google. See up to this point if something was answered as "I don't know" I assumed our kids just figured that if mom and dad didn't know the answer then there must not be an answer, and this was always okay with them. They never challenged it. So the other day I gave out an "I don't know" more because I wasn't paying much attention to what was even asked. Instead of that ending the conversation, it was clearly explained to me that when I don't know something, I can just google it. "That's what mom's and dad's do when they need to learn something."

Wild West

A strong genetic link can be proven simply by observing Eli's love of trains. When I was a wee tot, I loved trains. Dad used to drive me up to the top of 8000 west when the Kennecott trains would still cruise by so I could count the cars. Eli also loves trains. However, due to cartoons, Eli believes that real trains are only in the wild west. When we see any trains he asks if we are in the wild west. I have said "Yes, yes we are" every single time and even told the kids to be on the lookout for wild horses and Indians with spears. It worked out really well when we drove past a field with many horses in it. Still looking for the indians though. The kids love the Wild West.


Rebecca has been doing a lot of it. She is training for the half marathon over Labor Day. In the meantime she has been running several 10K races. It makes me tired thinking about the training.


I couldn't leave something about Haylee out. She has learned to speak a few words really well. Two being "mommy" and "daddy." She knows that these refer to Rebecca and I, but I am not sure she has fully grasped the singularity of each just yet, as she has used them interchangeably. So she loves to waddle up to one of us, smack us on the legs for attention while saying "mommy" or "daddy" until we turn our attention her way. Once she has our attention she babbles something incoherent and points to something undetermined. A simple "Oh!" or "Okay!" usually satisfied her need for attention for about 15 seconds, while the routine starts again.

A Final Jab

UFA Firefighters beat the Unified Police 25 to 5. It is probably our fault if your service fee goes up next year. Purely out of spite.


Notice I didn't mention it once (until now). Just for you Unca Lin!


Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Congrats on winning the game, congrats to Rebecca on all her running/training, and congrats to your 3 darling kids on being darling.

Hendricksonblog said...

I swear your last years softball picture looks exactly like this one. Is it the same pic? Of course you beat the POlice.....DUH!!!
Oh yeah and I really have a hard time with randomness so could you keep on track next time? Loved the lily pad connection though. It made me think of cute little frogs.
Oh yeah and I think Rebecca is tough.

Natalie said...

Yeah, April struggles with randomness, so take it easy on her, will you?

Props to your wife for the running and training. That's tough stuff.

Kristi Kroeger said...

I think you should run with Rebecca to show your support of her in all things. I also think you should take Tierra to China to show her where all of those things are made. I am sure you could google cheap plane tickets.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have heard of a way you can get to Disneyland cheaper!!!

Emily has told me that Matt will go on for hours of how cute he thinks Haylee is. Sunne is jealous!

All that running makes me tired too and get Eli some boots.

Chad said...

April, I was wearing long pants in last years picture. And the shirts are different. If you scroll back far enough, I can prove it.

Candace said...

I also had an experience where the kids came home and told me to just google something! I never really thought of how that made me feel until you wrote about it and your absolutely right...if the parents don't know the answer well then there just isn't an answer! :) My kids are not allowed to google anything for fear of what will pop up! Congrats on the softball game. Bragging rights are the best!! By the way how are the chickens?? Have they become dinner yet? Did I tell you we got rid of all of ours? I got sick of collecting and selling the eggs. I am not a very good farmer!

Unknown said...



Dustan and Micayla said...

Oh my gosh I love reading your blog! You crack me up! Sad that your daughter can't find something that is not made in China!! Tell Rebecca she is my hero...I have yet to "run" across the street, let alone a ton of races all summer!

Dustan and Micayla said...

Oh my gosh I love reading your blog! You crack me up! Sad that your daughter can't find something that is not made in China!! Tell Rebecca she is my hero...I have yet to "run" across the street, let alone a ton of races all summer!