26 October 2010

Sick and Left

Time flies by when you have three kids and each of them gets a 10 day stomach virus one after the other.

Yes, that has been our month. Tierra got sick on October 5th. No big deal at first, a little puking here and there. When it did not go away, we got a little worried. Worried enough to visit Primary Children's. After all the tests and all our money, they told us there was nothing wrong but a virus. Lucky us right? We are typically pretty healthy around here, and have very mild versions of whatever is going around the neighborhood, school, nursery, and primary. Not this time. Tierra had "bad luck" as the PA at PCMC called it, and got the full ten-day brunt of the pukies. Then Eli, and then Haylee.

Enough of that.

Like the rest of the United States, we are excited for Halloween. The kids have had their costumes picked out since November 1st, and are ready to go hit the streets for a little candy. If you think about it, that could be a secret drug reference.

There was also a wedding in the family. Rebecca's brother got hitched only three short months after returning from his mission. The kid shots are from that wedding... Tierra's picture being in a dehydrated and lethargic state from blowing chunks every time she ate something.

So good riddance October.
Except for the Halloween part and the part that eliminated the Yankees from the World Series.


Anonymous said...

Yankees suck and I don't care who I offend. I'm not even a big baseball junkie, just a play off addict! I could care less who wins the series now.

Sorry for puking kids.

Did you carve that pumpkin?

The Sumsions said...

Tierra looks so cute aside from also looking dehydrated and about to pass out.

Jazz officially starts tonight so we can just move from one sport directly into another. Sometimes I cheer for the Yankees just to piss other people off - yeah I'm rude like that. I didn't do that this year.

Cant' wait to see the Halloween costumes :)

Hendricksonblog said...

Ok so all your kids are cute but theres something about that Haylee that makes me want to sneak in your house one night and steal her. Maybe it is the age.
My kids got that beastly virus last year. Only two of them though. Its rough on the baby.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful kids. So sorry about the pukies. That's so rough. We had the VERY long lasting kind a year ago. It is scary when a kid throws up that much for so many consecutive days. Glad everyone has recovered.