07 December 2010

All About The Mouse

Disclaimer: This post is mostly a Disneyland Trip Report. There will be other tidbits of info scattered throughout the paragraphs, but be forewarned... mostly Disney.

I am excited for Christmas, and its okay to embrace the season now that Thanksgiving is over. If you missed my Thanksgiving tribute,
click here. Time is once again cruising by. Sometimes I think that the 'Father Time' fast-forwards at night and makes two days go by, but then I realize I would wake up much more rested, so it can't be. I know this is really becoming a cliche, but I wonder where all the time does go. Granted, a month of illness makes time speed past, but it feels like more than that. In my mind it is still August.

I digress, Disneyland: Yeah, we went again. The week after Thanksgiving is a sweet time to be at the Magic Kingdom too, might I add. Our travel party was pretty big this time around, almost 30 of us in all. My Mom, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and lotsa cousins all joined in the fun.
Of course we had a blast, it is Disneyland.

My cousin just completed his two years as a missionary, so to celebrate his return, we went to Disneyland. This was the plan from the moment he left. We should have just done his homecoming meeting down there, but didn't. In fact, we should have probably gone to church, being with a newly returned missionary and all, but didn't do that either. Unless I can count Disneyland as church? Please? Just on a limited basis?

Have I mentioned that Haylee is a "Daddy's girl?" Through and thru. (I have always felt like that saying should encompass both accepted spellings.) Rebecca gets a little irritated by this. Haylee is sometimes very bratty about it. She only lets me hold her when I am home, only lets me get things for her, only lets me put her to bed, and honestly only lets me change her diaper...most of the time. Rebecca has been awesome and done the majority of the diaper swaps with the kids, but Haylee has made it so I have changed more diapers on her than the other two combined. She is also a "Daddy's Girl" because she plays air guitar. I do not know where she got it, but she has a book with a picture of a guitar and whenever she gets to that page she strums her belly a few times. I love it.

Tierra and Eli are spoiled because of Disneyland.
They have been enough times that I heard them telling some of our relatives that they shouldn't waste their time with certain rides and attractions. Tierra said, referring to the Tiki Room, "It's something you should do once." Made me proud.

I love Disney at Christmastime, but Halloween time is still my absolute favorite. Not sure what the rest of the family thinks on this issue. The exception for me is Small World. I do not like Small World, except at Christmastime. The Christmas lights are phenomenal. You just have to see it, at least once. So there you go, I helped you out.

Our family is doing well and all are happy. We are not sending out Christmas cards this year. 3 months till baseball. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

Well, than you aren't getting a card from me!

Every time after I read about one of your million trips to Disneyland I start to feel like a bad mother. I would love to hear Tierra give me a earfull of my neglect of not taking the kids to Disneyland!

Hendricksonblog said...

Small world does look awesome. I don't know that we will ever go during the busy seasons so I sadly might never see Halloween or Christmas there.
I'm still waffling on the christmas card thing. My problem is that we don't have a new pic so maybe Ill just do one of the kids. Dave and I are ugly anyway.
I always love the Splash Mt. pics, aren't they the best.
I vote yes on the church being at Disneyland to mark me down.

Hendricksonblog said...

I came back just to feel the retwinge of jealousy.
Congrats on the new calling....uh ...I mean promotion?
Whatever, Captain just sounds tougher.
How many burns does it take to receive that rank? I'll pass but good for you and I hope it means more $.

Heather said...

Great pic of Small World. I don't like that ride either, but you're right--it does look great at Christmastime.